Monday, January 02, 2017

ROCKY MOUNTAIN National Park - 100 years

Signature ROCKY MOUNTAIN BIGHORN at sunrise in Tundra at 12,000'

ELK and calf enjoying midsummer Tundra meadows 

This BIGHORN Ram kept on eye on me as a herd crossed my path

1 hour time lapse photo of stars over the Continental Divide

From UTE Trail looking across tree line, Forest Canyon, and the Gorge Lakes & the Divide

Climbing Mt. Ida trail above treeline for heads on view of the NEVER SUMMER Range

COlUMBINE - state flower


Wildcatting it off the UTE Trail

Alpine Tundra view to the MUMMY Ranage

Sentinel Peak of RMNP - 14,259' LONGS PEAK  -  10th highest in Colorado & 12th highest in lower 48 

Bull Elk rolls in mud to be more attractive to females as the mating season is on.

This BLACK BEAR quickly swam across the swift Colorado River - no prob.

This COYOTE cross directly in from of me hiking a meadow & picked up prey it had stashed and carried it off.

Herd of BIGHORNS came over a Ridge on me hiking up to MT. IDA

Yellow bellied MARMOT looking for treats in Longs Pk meadow

Master of disguise, PTARMIGAN, all white in winter

Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel - or Chipmunk

High altitude living - mouse/rabbit like PIKA

the Hickory Hiker taking GPS readings

Alpine Tundra MEADOWS ablaze in small blooms, peaking mid-July - these are ASTERS

Pollen collecting can be messy buzz-iness,  evidenced by pollen on bee's legs